Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eph 2:5-10 Saved by Grace through Faith. Good Works Follow.

Eph 2:5-7 This is a result of us being saved by grace. Together with Christ, we were not only raised but seated in the heavens that in the coming ages we will receive the immeasurable richness of God's grace to us in Christ Jesus.

In the previous article, we know that we were once dead in our transgressions/sins. Unable to respond. Only able to be swept around by the tides and ways of the world. But why is it that we can be made alive and be awakened?

Eph 2:8-9 Why? For you are saved by grace through faith. This is not our own work, but God's. God's gift that no one can boast.

It is only by the grace of God. We cannot save ourselves from indulging in sin. Only when God saves us, through moving in our hearts that we have the faith to embrace Christ, that we are made alive in Christ. It is not by our own work, but God’s gift. It is not that we choose God, made a decision to accept Christ and determined our own salvation in our time, but that God chose us, in His time, worked in our hearts through faith in Christ.

We cannot boast that we have made the ‘right’ decision and made a reasonable decision to choose Jesus over other choices. It is solely by the sovereign choice of God, prepared beforehand by Him.

Asking Ourselves

If we are saved by God's choice, why do we then still have to preach the gospel to people around us?

Good works follow

What is subsequent and resultant to being saved and made alive in Christ is good works.

Eph 2:10 For we are created in Christ for good works which God has pre-ordained.

Like our salvation, good works of ours are not by our doing but ordained by God before time began. Hence, do not boast about your salvation, or boast about your good works, for these are the work of God, that all praise be to His glory.

Asking ourselves

Are we just having faith without good works? Understanding but not application? Knowledge without living?

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