Monday, August 15, 2011

Eph 2:1-5 From Being Dead in Sin to Being Alive in Christ

Paul having demonstrated God's power in Christ, through raising Him from the dead (Eph 1:20), seating Him at His right hand in heaven above all authority (1:21), putting everything under His feet (1:22) for the church, makes the point in chapter 2 of Ephesians that we were once dead in sin, but now brought to life by Christ.

Paraphrasing Eph 2:1-3, We were once dead in our trespasses and sins when we previously walked in the ways of the world, being controlled by the ruler and spirit working in the disobedient. We lived in our fleshly desires, thought in the flesh, acted in the flesh. Because of these, we were under the wrath of God.

Someone who is dead cannot respond. They cannot react. A fish which is dead cannot swim. Needless to say, it cannot swim against the tide. It can only float while rotting, in the water being brought about by the current to where ever the tide brings.

We were once dead in our sinful ways. We drift according to the sinful trends of the world. We cannot react against the depravity of the world for we identify with it. Jealously, covetousness, hatred, sexual immorality, reigned in our hearts. This is even more so today where media surrounds us almost all the time. Television, movies, posters, magazines, websites, facebook, blogs, all portray sex, crime, adultery as something to be accepted, even to the point that it might look cool. Vulgarities, words of hate are carelessly spoken of or typed out in tweets or posts.

Take for example the recent riots by youths in the UK. Thousands of them stealing, hurting, putting fire, damaging property. While drifting along, we are constantly rotting. We are degrading our morals, being more and more insensitive to sin, because we are dead in sin.

If one can tolerate this, it is because he is dead in the ways of the world. Because he belongs to the disobedient, where he is ruled by the evil spirit (2:2).

We might think that we might get away with it. Since no one knows. The law cannot enforce itself on us. The police have no judicial rights on me. But 2:3 says that we are under the wrath of God.

The wrath of God on us sinners is the curse of death. Of eternal punishment. It cannot be taken lightly.

Eph 2:4-5 But our merciful God, because of His great love for us, made us alive in Christ while we were dead in our sins.

But we thank our merciful God, though having incurred His wrath and having every right to judge us, yet He loves us greatly and pulls us from the graves of sin back into life in Christ. He pulled us away from the wide path heading towards destruction, and placed us back on the narrow path heading towards life. He transforms us from sexual immorality to purity. From covetousness to contentment. From jealously to thanksgiving. From hatred, to love. From opposing Him, to submitting to Him.

God does this awakening through Christ, that we recognize Him, His dying on the cross for us, His resurrection, His ascension, His redemption, His lordship, His coming again, His rulership for eternity.

Friend, are you still in opposition to God yet in accordance to the world? Are you drifting in the tides of the world's ocean being tossed and turned by the waves of the world not realizing that you are sinking deeper and deeper into the depths of death? Are you still treating yourself as the absolute authority based on your own intelligence yet not considering the spirit's moving in your heart of heavenly authority as revealed through the bible?

Make Ephesians 2:4-5 apply to you. But our merciful God, because of His great love for _____, made _____ alive in Christ while _____ was dead in his/her sins. 

In the next article, we will consider why one is able to be revived from death in sin, to being alive in Christ.

Asking ourselves

Is everyone really dead in sin? How about the 'good' people who do charity, feed the poor, help the weak?

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