Friday, January 13, 2012

The Depravity of Man

The Depravity of Man (Gen 3:8-13)

What are the marks of fallen man?

1. We will hid from God. Just as Adam and Eve heard the sound of God after they sinned, they became afraid and tried to hide, man today hides from God as well. 

How does man hide from God today?
a. By not acknowledging His existence. Man professes, there is no God!
b. By re-defining Him according to man's standards. Man professes, God wants me to succeed, God is happy with my depraved life and doesn't need me to repent or change my life whatsoever according to His Word. 90% of man believe in God. But the God they believe in is their own definition of God. We need to know the God as revealed in the bible.

Are we hiding from God today?

2. We will not repent. We will find excuses and profess that they are not sinners. We will shift the blame. "Eve gave the fruit to me, the serpent deceived me."Man says, "I should indulge in sexual behavior because i am made like an animal." Man says, i do not have sin. I only have an illness of gambling addiction or sexual addiction. 

Are we attempting to repent today?

3. We blame God. Just as Adam blamed God by accusing Him of creating Eve who tempted, we blame God too for evil in the world. We blame God for suffering. We blame Him for almost anything. But we have to remember, He is absolute sovereign, and perfectly good.

Are we still blaming Him today?

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