Friday, January 13, 2012

A Reflection of 2011

(i actually had this post completed earlier but it was in draft mode, hence the lag :D )

Time to count my blessings in 2011. I think this year has been one of the more exciting
years in my journey of life. First of, a new member has been added to our family. We
welcome Luke! Just the birth of Luke alone brings forth many thanksgiving.

The birth of Luke was a miracle of God. Due to certain complications, the fact that
Luke could be conceived was already a miracle. In fact, the entire journey of his birth
is a series of miracles. During the childbearing, Cat got to a point where she could push
no more as she has exhausted her strength. The midwife i could see was contemplating
whether to ask the doctor for a C-section. Luke's head was no where clear of coming out.
But just as the midwife and I stood wondering what to do next, Luke's head just started
coming out by itself! It was just like an angel pulling Luke out! It just continued till
the midwife could catch hold of Luke's shoulders and out he came. I think that was the
second miracle.

When Luke came out, the midwife directed us to look at the umblical cord. There was
a knot! It was then we realised that it was such a periless situation. Luke might have
deprived of oxygen due to the knot while still in the womb! But by God's grace, he still
came into this world, safe and sound, at a healthy 3.8 kilograms.

The third miracle came post pregnancy. Cat was still bleeding profusely. Bedsheets
and clothes were changed continously. Doctors came and monitored. Finally, she was
scheduled to have an operation at midnight. Till now, i think i still don't understand the
danger of the situation then. But by the grace of God, the operation went well and the
bleeding stopped. Two days later, she was discharged and today, both mother and Luke
are well and healthy.

Another thing i would like to give thanks for is that He has provided me with a house of
our own. We are the proud owners of a 4-room flat. Renovation and furnishing went on
fine. The location is good too being close to both my parents and in laws' place.

I also thank God that He has blessed me at work with the privilege of a good work life

I thank God too for my family. My mother, my father, my grandmother and sister. They
have looked after me and my family. Looking after two young kids is indeed a daunting
challenge but because of the great help from my family, it became a much easier task.
Many household chores were taken care off, meals for all members of my family were
prepared, transport, utility bills, many many others...

Lastly, i would like to thank God for my service this year. Be it chairing, translating,
speaking, evangelism, ministries of mercy, administration, i thank God that i can be a
contribution to His ministry and Kingdom. He gave me grace to live, grace to serve. And
through glorifying Him, i live a life of value. May God grant me more strength, grace and
blessing next year as i strive to serve Him better.

Well, that's all. 2012 is approaching as i am typing this blog entry. Blessed new year

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