Thursday, January 12, 2012

On Guard Against the Devil's Deception (1) - Questioning

Be on guard against the deception of the Devil.

Satan will replace the period in God's command with a question mark. Replace a black with grey. Did God really say that you cannot...?

Did God really say that we cannot have other gods or have other priorities occupying more of our time than to Him? Today, many think having several gods is insurance. Many think career, family, should come before God, (not to say they are not important!) Are we deceived?

Did God really say that we have to spare one day away from work for Him? Isn't it alright? I don't have to conscienously plan time for Him?

Did God really say that we have to take care of our parents? Can't we just leave them on their own, leave them in a old folks home?

Did God really say that we cannot hate others? Can't we gossip abt them? 

Did God really say that we cannot see pornography or men's magazines?

Did God really say that we cannot steal intellectual property?

Did God really say that we cannot covet for more riches, assets?

The Devil's deception continues today and at an even more alarming phase. Be on guard against it.

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