Thursday, October 20, 2011

God's Word - My Base, My Delight, My Counselor

Psalm 119:23-24 "Though princes sit together speaking against me, Your servant will think about Your statutes; Your decrees are my delight and my counselors."

The Psalm of 119 uplifts the Word of God to be our life's highest standard, the source of all joy, all truth, all knowledge of God, guiding our lives.

Today, the world might look down upon those who regard the bible as the highest authority. Though they accept the bible as just one of the many religious books that teach morality, but they do not the bible as the absolute, highest, divine authority and Word from God.

Because of this, people will frown upon those who hold the bible as the utmost standard in their lives. They think that such people are wasting their time, investing their resources in vanity, unloving because they are not willing to compromise to other religious standards.

Psa 119:23-24 encourages us that though people may speak against us because of this. Even princes, people of high worldly position, may speak against us. But what we hold on to and controls our thinking, is God's Word.

Yet, this is not just a passive holding on to His Word in spite of opposition, but His Word becomes the delight to our lives. True joy, not dependent on people, conditions and surroundings.

His Word also becomes a counselor to us. Perhaps we are troubled, depressed, God's Word can be a counselor for us.

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