Saturday, October 08, 2011

Learning from Abraham

Abraham's faith is manifested most at three points.

1. When he obeyed the command of God, not knowing where he would go next, but still departed from his home of Ur to the land God promised him.

Would we leave our comfort zone for more service to God, to obey Him? As we examine our lives, how can we stretch our boundaries, our time, our gifts, for better service to God?

2. When he continued to believe in God's promise that God would give them a son even though Abraham and Sarah were already in old age.

Are you praying for something, waiting for God to answer? As long as it's in God's will, persevere on. Don't lose faith.

3. When he obeyed God's command to sacrifice his son Issac whom he had awaited decades for. But Abraham was still willing to do so for he had faith that God would resurrect Issac.

Would we give up something we love and adore for God? What is the one thing we cherish most? Are we willing if asked to, to give it up for God?

Learning points:
1. True Faith is one of obedience to God

2. Don't solve problems with ways contrary to biblical principles. Ishmael whom Abraham bore with Hagar brought about many problems even till today.

3. That whatever it is we experience, be it good for bad, in Christ, God has planned it for our good.

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