Friday, December 30, 2011

Children should be seen as a Blessing, not a Hardship

Children should be seen as a Blessing, not a Hardship

First, scripture teaches that children are blessed gifts from God. God designed them as a blessing, as a source of joy. They come from God to grace our lives with fulfillment, meaning, happiness and satisfaction. Parenthood is God's gift to us.

This is true even in a fallen world, infected with the curse of sin. In the midst of evil, children are tokens of God's lovingkindness. They are living proof that God's mercy extends even to fallen sinful creatures.

Remember that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit before they had conceived any offspring. Yet God did not simply destroy them and start over a new race. Instead, he permitted Adam and Eve to fulfill the command given them before the Fall: Be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28). Through that, He set in motion a plan of redemption that would ultimately embrace untold numbers of Adam's offspring (Rev 7:9-10). The children Eve bore therefore embodied the hope that fallen sinners could be redeemed.

And when God cursed the earth because of Adam's sin, He multiplied the pain of the childbirth process, but he did not nullify the blessing inherent in bearing children.

Eve recognized this. Gen 4:1 says "Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain and said, 'I have acquired a man from the Lord.'" She clearly recognized that the Lord was the source of this child. She regarded the child as a gift from the hand of the One whom she had sinned against, and she was overjoyed by it. Despite the pain of childbirth, and irrespective of the fallenness of the child himself, she knew that the child was an emblem of God's grace to her.

In verse 25 we read, "And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, 'For God has appointed another seed for me.'" Children, Eve knew, are blessed gifts from God.

What of the children of unbelievers? They represent divine blessings too. In Gen 17:20, God promised to bless Ishmael. How would He bless him? By multiplying his children and descendants. He told Abraham, "And as for Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly."

Also, in the contest between Leah and Rachel for Jacob's affection, Gen 29:31-33 says, "When the Lord saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb; but Rachel was barren. So Leah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Reuben; for she said, "The Lord has surely looked on my affliction. Now therefore, my husband will love me." Then she conceived again and bore a son, and said, "Because the Lord has heard that I am not loved, He has therefore given me this son also."

The Lord's compassion for Leah was manifested by His enabling her to bear children.

God blessed Rachel with children too and she praised Him for His goodness. "And she conceived and bore a son and said, 'God has taken away my reproach'". Rachel died giving birth to Benjamin and her midwife offered these words of dying comfort: "Do not fear; you will have this son also." (Gen 35:17)

Throughout this tale of the parents who gave birth to the various tribes of God's chosen people, one thing is clear. All parties understood that children signified the blessings of the Lord.

By God's gracious design, children are given to bring parents joy, happiness, contentment, satisfaction, and love. Psalm 127:3-5 says so expressly: "

 3 Children are a heritage from the LORD,
   offspring a reward from him.
4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
   are children born in one’s youth.
5 Blessed is the man
   whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame 
   when they contend with their opponents in court."

Clearly, in the plan of God, children are meant to be a blessing, not a hardship. And they usually are a blessing when they arrive. But left exposed to this world and unshaded by the proper kind of protection, they will indeed break your heart. That leads to the second foundational principle... to be continued...

From: Macarthur, What the Bible Says About Parenting, p13-16

Friday, December 09, 2011

An Afternoon At Bendemeer

I brought my grandmother to the Bendemeer market a few days ago for her to visit the hairstylist and also to get some groceries from the market. I thus had the chance to eat at the market.

It brought back many memories eating at the old market as I grew up there. I ordered a plate of chicken rice and shared a table with two young boys.

The two boys reminded me of when i was just like them many years ago, eating at the hawker centre and later playing in the afternoon. They boys were quite adorable, playing their nintendo ds and at the same time eating their lunch.

At that moment, i was reminded to share about Christ with them. And the moving in my heart was especially strong as the boys just reminded me about the times when i was young and just like them. I didn't know how to initiate a conversation without scaring the boys away as they were only 12 years of age. But i prayed to God in my heart silently that i can share Christ with them.

Then i asked them something close to my heart, "You guys stayed around here?". They replied, "nope, we stay in Hougang." I replied to them back that i used to stay around there and am currently also staying in Hougang. I next asked them then why are they here then to which they replied, that one of the boy's father had a shop there. I replied that my grandfather too, used to have a textile shop here. And so, with that, barriers between us started crumbling.

Soon, as we chatted and got to know more about their background, the schools they were studying (Holy Innocents), I asked them if in Holy Innocents did they hear about Jesus Christ? They said yes but they had  believed in other religions already. I then remembering Jesus example with the Samaritan woman on how He did not change the subject with the woman, and told the boy if he knew that believing in Christ was important? That one day we will die and where will we head towards? Heaven or Hell?

I think by God's grace, their responded quite positively and started asking questions which allowed me to share more about Christ. I also got to know that they were having a little waveboarding tournament in the afternoon. We later left and i took two Ultimate Questions booklet and went to the basketball court where they were having their tournament and passed the booklet to them.

I thank God for the chance and also for the moving in my heart to share Christ with them. I hoped that on that day, the gospel seed was sowed in their hearts and it may grow fully one day.

Friday, December 02, 2011

The Arrogance and Pride of Belshazzar that caused him all

The Arrogance and Pride of Belshazzar that caused him all.

In Daniel 5, we read of King Belshazzar giving a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles. He gave orders to use the cups from the temple in Jerusalem to drink the wine from. As all of them drank from the cups, they also worshipped the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone. It was utter disrespect towards the true and living God. Firstly, he did not deem the cups from the temple as sacred. Secondly, while drinking and indulging in his revelry, he worshipped idols.

Because of this, God's judgement came heavily upon him. The fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the wall. This caused great fear in the King, who then asked all his wise men to interpret the writing and whoever could do so would be made third highest ruler. However, none could interpret. As the days go by, the King became more and more frightened.

The Queen remembered that none could be compared to Daniel and how he interpreted the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar, his father. Hence, Belshazzar called him in to interpret the writing promising honors for him if he manages to do so.

Daniel was thus called in. He obey the King's command to interpret the writings but not before first proclaiming that he had no interests at all in the riches and honor promised to him. He knew that the ability to interpret the writing came from God and not himself. He also did not want to defile himself with the money. He had overcome greed.

When Daniel saw the writing, he knew what it mean. He begins a harsh rebuke to Belshazzar. Telling him about his father's previous majesty and power, but when he became arrogant and hardened with pride, God stripped him of his glory and turned him into a mad animal like man till he acknowledged that God is the true sovereign one.

But Belshazzar though having knew all these, have not humbled himself but instead worshipped idols and disrespected God. To words to Belshazzar are thus the words of judgement, that God has number the days of his reign and will bring it to an end. He is judged to be sinful and his kingdom will be given to the Medes and Persians.

That very night Belshazzar, king of the Babylonians, was slain, and Darius the Mede took over the kingdom, at the age of sixty-two.

Learning Lessons:

- Remember the lessons of our fathers.
- Do not be arrogant and prideful but acknowledge that God is sovereign over all.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Resolve of Daniel not to Defile himself

Daniel 1

The Resolve of Daniel not to Defile himself

Let's study the character of Daniel and let it be an encouragement in our lives. Firstly, let's understand more about him. Daniel was physically well built, handsome, had aptitude, intelligence in all areas. He was scholarly gifted.

 3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility— 4 young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.

Though he was gifted in all areas, attractive, he did not let this pride get to this head. He knew that he was still a jew though having been trained in the ways of the Babylonian culture for three years. He knew that according to his customs, some food and drink were not to be eaten to represent his devotion to God.

 8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.

And for those who honor God, God will honor them. Because Daniel honored God with his resolve not to defile himself, God caused favor to be shown on him by his surrounding people including even the King. This King who was powerful enough to gain victory over the well guarded Jerusalem trusted and had favor in Daniel.

9 Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel, 17 To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. The king talked with them, and he found none equal to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah; so they entered the king’s service. 20 In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom.

Today, let the character of Daniel encourage us. Not to defile ourselves with things that God is not happy with. Daniel was successful because he held God as the highest standard in his life. He did not defile himself continually. Let us remember that the desire to keep ourselves holy and not defile ourselves is not a one time thing but a continual process, improving day by day till we meet our Lord.

In return, God will favor us. We will find success in the things of our lives. Sure, there will be downfalls, like how Daniel was thrown into the lions' den, and things seem so opposing to you. But trust in the Lord. Downfalls, rises, are all in God's good purposes to mould us into a person more pleasing to Him.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Response When Bad Things Happen

Our Response When Bad Things Happen

1. Know that it is a gift from God. Though We don’t understand, Know that its for God’s good Purpose.

Does all things happen by the will of God? Is God’s ways good in all things? Then bad things are a gift from Him for they fulfil His purpose. Remember the examples of Abraham. Joseph. Job. Paul. Jesus.

2. Joy in suffering.

Joy Because He Knows God Good Purpose and Will is Done Through It

Joy Because The Sufferer is Worthy to Receive the Crown of Life.

James 1:12-13 “A man who endures trials is blessed because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. No one undergoing a trial should say I am being tempted by evil, for God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone.”

3. Bear Endurance. Bear Maturity. Bear Hope.

Moulded to be a better man. Gold refined with fire.

To Bring us to Fellowship in Christ. To identify with Christ. To remind us of Christ suffering. To Be Worthy of The Crown of Life

9. To Bring us to Fellowship in Christ. To identify with Christ. To remind us of Christ suffering. To Be Worthy of The Crown of Life

Imagine teleporting back 2000 years to in front of the cross where Christ is at the moment being crucified. Does your suffering pain in comparison to his?

Romans 8:17 “we heirs of God, co-heirs of Christ, seeing that we might suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.”

Php 3:8 Because of HIm i have suffered the loss of all things and consider them filth, so that i may gain Christ and be found in Him. My goal is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.

Col 1:24 “Now i rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I am completing in my flesh what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for His body, that is, the church.”

James 1:12-13 “A man who endures trials is blessed because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. No one undergoing a trial should say I am being tempted by evil, for God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone.”

Bad Things Happen As A Litmus Test To Know If We Have Lived For Christ.

6. Bad Things Happen As A Litmus Test To Know If We Have Lived For Christ.

Bad Things in the World
If we live godly lives in Christ, we will be persecuted as a result of living for Him, as a result of service in His kingdom.

Acts 5:40-42 “Apostles were flogged and ordered not to speak about Jesus. Then they went out from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be dishonored on behalf of the Name. They continued everyday teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.”
公 会 的 人 听 从 了 他 , 便 叫 使 徒 来 , 把 他 们 打 了 , 又 吩 咐 他 们 不 可 奉 耶 稣 的 名 讲 道 , 就 把 他 们 释 放 了 。他 们 离 开 公 会 , 心 里 欢 喜 , 因 被 算 是 配 为 这 名 受 辱 。他 们 就 每 日 在 殿 里 、 在 家 里 、 不 住 的 教 训 人 , 传 耶 稣 是 基 督 。

2 Tim 3:12 “In fact, all those who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
"不 但 如 此 , 凡 立 志 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 敬 虔 度 日 的 也 都 要 受 逼 迫 。"

John 16:33 " 在 世 上 , 你 们 有 苦 难 ; 但 你 们 可 以 放 心 , 我 已 经 胜 了 世 界 。"

People will question why you put so much energy, time, money into vanity. People will be frustrated with your non-compromising stand on salvation. When we speak about Christ absolute authority and Lordship in this age, we are ridiculed with relativism and unrespectfulness.

Bad Things Happen To You In The Church When You Serve

In fact, persecution starts from within the church. When you want to serve, there will be bad things that will happen to discourage you. There might be jealously. Another wants to out perform another. When you teach with biblical authority, people do not want to listen. When you rebuke, people rebut you. Labeled believers stood up to Paul, did not regard him as an apostle, created 'groups', did not want to support him financially, held him in contempt. These kinds of persecution are the most painful. In fact, as you notice majority of the epistles, Paul faced such internal persecutions. Yet, imagine how he remained hopeful and joyful.

If i am chased by a dog or scolded by a flat owner when I give tracts, I can still sleep soundly at night. But if a believer stood up to me, tries to misinterpret me, maligned me in my faith, stirs up falsehood in the truth, I cannot sleep. These are real problems our church leaders are facing. These are what Jesus faced too. The betraying disciple following him. The quarrels within his disciple. The maligned of him by Pharisees, teachers and Jews.

These are things that will happen when we serve in the church becaus the church is a set of sinners coming together. These are what may happen when we serve in church. It is not just rosy Sunday mornings with church bells ringing. Hence what should be our response? Be angry? Be petty? Leave the church? Don't commit to it? Be a mature Christian, not a petty Christian. Submit to one another.

1 Cor 16:13 "要 作 大 丈 夫 , 要 刚 强 。"

7. Bad Things Happen to Make Us Mature. Don't Be Petty

Pettiness in the Church

Serve diligently in the church. Overlook criticisms. Continue to do good. A pen design looks ugly? Learn from the lesson. Chairman chair badly? Take feedback and improve. Camp programme has some issues? Builds up camp organizing experience.

箴 言 19:11

人 有 见 识 就 不 轻 易 发 怒 ; 宽 恕 人 的 过 失 便 是 自 己 的 荣 耀 。

Don't give up and leave in a huff. Continue to serve. You are a slave of the Lord, serving Him. Not just men. Do His will above your will. Build up the church. A church has problems, the more we need to stay there and help build it up, not leave and find an already stable church (if there is one).

SERVE. Don't be deceived by the devil telling you that serving is an added continual weekly committment and because of this you don't take it up. Love your God with all your mind, with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your strength.

1 Cor 15:58 所 以 , 我 亲 爱 的 弟 兄 们 , 你 们 务 要 坚 固 , 不 可 摇 动 , 常 常 竭 力 多 做 主 工 ; 因 为 知 道 , 你 们 的 劳 苦 在 主 里 面 不 是 徒 然 的 。

Pettiness at Home

Similarly at home, we should aim to be mature and not a petty christian. Be a care giver without bitterness and excessive grumbling.  Love is ... The fruit of the spirit is...

James 1:2-4 “Consider it a great joy when you experience various trials, knowing that the tesing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature, and complete, lacking nothing,”
2 我 的 弟 兄 们 , 你 们 落 在 百 般 试 炼 中 , 都 要 以 为 大 喜 乐 ;因 为 知 道 你 们 的 信 心 经 过 试 验 , 就 生 忍 耐 。但 忍 耐 也 当 成 功 , 使 你 们 成 全 、 完 备 , 毫 无 缺 欠 。

Romans 5:2-5 “We also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

" 我 们 又 藉 着 他 , 因 信 得 进 入 现 在 所 站 的 这 恩 典 中 , 并 且 欢 欢 喜 喜 盼 望 神 的 荣 耀 。不 但 如 此 , 就 是 在 患 难 中 也 是 欢 欢 喜 喜 的 ; 因 为 知 道 患 难 生 忍 耐 ,忍 耐 生 老 练 , 老 练 生 盼 望 ;盼 望 不 至 於 羞 耻 , 因 为 所 赐 给 我 们 的 圣 灵 将 神 的 爱 浇 灌 在 我 们 心 里 。"

Monday, November 14, 2011

Bad Things Show Us The Sufficiency Of God’s grace.

5. Bad Things Show Us The Sufficiency Of God’s grace.

God does not remove the pain because it is productive. But as pain increases, grace increases.

2 Cor 12:9 "他 对 我 说 : 我 的 恩 典 够 你 用 的 , 因 为 我 的 能 力 是 在 人 的 软 弱 上 显 得 完 全 。"

The bad things in our lives seldom diminishes. As we grow older, the amount of bad things that happens just increases. However, do not despair, for grace increases accordingly.

As the difficulties of Joseph mounts, God's grace with him grows. Leads him victorious from temptation, gives him wisdom to interpret dreams, gives him wisdom to govern a nation through a famine.

As Moses faces more and more difficulty from Pharaoh, God's grace and power grows with him. As he leads more and more people, he has more leadership abilities.

As Paul, Peter is persecuted more, his boldness and wisdom from God increases.

By the sufficiency of God's grace, when problems mount, our ability to take on more burdens increases.

Bad things happen to build the church. You can comfort others who are going through what you have been through.

4. Bad things happen to build the church. You can comfort others who are going through what you have been through.

The God of Comfort
2 Cor 1:4 "我 们 在 一 切 患 难 中 , 他 就 安 慰 我 们 , 叫 我 们 能 用 神 所 赐 的 安 慰 去 安 慰 那 遭 各 样 患 难 的 人 。"

After experiencing God’s comfort for the bad things, we can comfort others who are going through bad things as well. 

Like how a preacher can comfort people who are trying to preach the gospel to their loved ones by her example.

Like how older brethrens comfort those who have a hard time in raising kids, coping with daily pressures.

Like how those in sickness take strength from those in sickness too.

Like how care givers are comforted by care givers.

What’s the ultimate comfort? 
To know God's good purpose through the pain. 

When Bad Things Happen to Christians (4) - Bad Things Happen To Bring Us Closer to God in prayer.

3. Bad Things Happen To Bring Us Closer to God in prayer.

Job 1: 20 At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship

2Cor 12:8 为 这 事 , 我 三 次 求 过 主 , 叫 这 刺 离 开 我 。

Remember when your child is in surgery, how you came to God in prayer?
When your loved one is still unsaved, how you came to God in prayer?

When Bad Things Happen to Christians (3) - Bad Things Happen to Humble Us

2. Bad Things Happens to Christians to Humble us.

Job 1:10-11
“Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.”

Job 1:21
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
  and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
  may the name of the LORD be praised.”

Reminds us that everything we have is Given By God

It humbles us because we know that everything that we currently have is by the grace and preservation of God. Our health, our family, our work, our income, our houses, our car. 

It also prepares us to face future bad things by knowing this truth.

May we memorize Job 1:21. Naked i came, naked i will go. The Lord gives, the Lord takes.

To Keep Us From Being Conceited

1 Cor 12:7 "又 恐 怕 我 因 所 得 的 启 示 甚 大 , 就 过 於 自 高 , 所 以 有 一 根 刺 加 在 我 肉 体 上 , 就 是 撒 但 的 差 役 要 攻 击 我 , 免 得 我 过 於 自 高 。"

Imagine if you have the special privilege of being brought to Heaven, seeing revelations, hearing the secrets words of God, seeing Jesus calling you, educated in the top Jewish schools, won't you be filled with pride?

But Paul says that the thorn in his flesh, prevented him from being conceited which contributed to his effective,selfless ministry.

My Migraine

I get migraine more regularly now. Whenever i have migraine, i am totally incapacitated. I can't do anything. And this spurs me, that if I were to have migraine continually, money, power would not mean anything to me. It also reminds me that i am so fragile and every minute is sustained by God. My life can just end or be rendered useless any minute. And that spurs me to take chance of my health and serve him.

When Bad Things Happen to Christians (2) - Bad Things are Gifts from God - They Reveal Our Spiritual Selves

Bad things are a gift from God.

1. They reveal our spiritual selves.

They reveal if we are in sin and reveal the need for repentance.

1 Pet 4:15 “None of you however should suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or a meddler."

Examine ourselves for repentance if we are suffering as one of the above. Is sin the cause for suffering?

Are we suffering because we have neglected the things of God/family due to too much time in work, studies? 

Are we suffering because we are addicted to pornography? 

David suffered because of his adultery with Bathsheba.

Are we suffering because we do not love our spouses, family enough? 

Eph 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives." Too many broken families due to this simple principle.

Are we suffering because our speech is coarse/vulgar? 
Are we suffering because of jealously, pride in someone more gifted than us or has achieve more success than us? Like the bitterness of Saul?

If we are, we need to repent. 
Matt 5:3,4 "Blessed are those who mourn for their sins, for they will be comforted."
They reveal if we continue to trust in God.

In good times, when things are going well, needs are taken care of, we trust God. But what about when the bad things happen?

Bad things reveal our weakness in our faith. If we are trusting in God enough. If we are we loving Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Or if we are still reliant upon our health, wealth, relationships?

Note Job’s response.

Job 1:21
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
  and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
  may the name of the LORD be praised.”

He continued to trust in God. He had no other reliance. He continued to love God, praise God, with whatever he had even though his closest companion, rejected it.

Noah continued building the ark though he was ridiculed by his closest friends.

Joseph keep his faith in God's promises when he was in potiphar's house, in jail.

Abraham continued sacrificing his son, though it was the most prized possession he had.

When Bad Things Happen to Christians (1) - How We Should Not Respond

当圣徒遇见苦难  When Bad Things Happen to Christians

There are all kinds of bad things that happen to Christians in the world. In fact, they happen to non-Christians as well. They happen to everyone.

Bad things will definitely happen because we are bad people in a bad world.

But when the bad things happen, what is different is how we respond. And we can respond in a God honoring manner by knowing His purposes for us when bad things happen. People think that only the good things are from God. But both good and bad things are allowed by God. And often, the bad things achieve a greater effect than the good things.

What are some of the bad things that may/will happen? (Read Job 1-2)

Car accidents. Illness. Diabetes. Paralysis. Cancer. Death to your child, your wife might suffer a miscarriage, your spouse. Your wife might die in child birth.
Job 1:18 While he was still speaking, yet another messenger came and said, “Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house, 19 when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

Economic - loss of income/job demotions/loss of savings, investments are down by 90%. Retrenchments.
Job 1: 14-15 “The oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing nearby, 15 and the Sabeans attacked and made off with them. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”

Illness to self. Migraine
Job 2: 7 So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head. 8 Then Job took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself with it as he sat among the ashes.

Human Inflicted Problems
Like how Job's three friends comfort turned in rebuke/mistrust that his suffering was a result of his sin.
  • Work - ostracized by colleagues/bosses, unfairly treated
  • Family - quarrels, some do not play their part, children, parents
  • Church - criticism though you have served faithfully, betrayal, fell into sin/false teachings though you have shepherded them.
Human inflicted pain are often the most painful things. Often more than economic or physical. The more intimate the relationship, the more the pain. Eg. Job’s wife, three friends. Paul’s betrayal, departure from God’s teachings even after he has invested his heart, tears, money in the churches he has so faithfully ministered to.

What we should know. Bad things happen to Upright, blameless, God fearing, evil shunning Christians.

Job 1:1
In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.

How we should NOT respond.
1. We should not grumble against God. Job's wife. Think that He is not in control. Hold Him in contempt. Rage against Him.
Stop serving Him. 

Don’t believe in Him.
Job 2:9 "Job's wife said, Do you still retain your integrity? Curse God and die!"
Num 14:27 "How long must I endure this evil community that keeps complaining about Me? 29 Your corpses will fall in this wilderness because you have complained about Me."

2. Just look for human means to solve the problem. Read secular self-help books, counselor, psychologist above the teachings of the bible. All these are not wrong, but if they reign above the bible, then it is dangerous. You might solve the surface of the problem temporarily, but it will come back again. Worse, it might not be biblical. God does not favor.

We have to trust that God’s word can answer to our deepest problems. We often think God’s word solves only the shallow problems and psychology solves the deepest problems. NO! There is an interview with psychiatrist/psychologist above if they have treated any one of them. In the interview, none can confidently claimed that they have treated any one. We have to go back to biblical counseling and not be ashamed of God's truth that it cannot solves the deepest of our problems.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Pure Heart, A Good Conscience, A Sincere Faith - 1 Tim 1:1-20

No matter what we do, how busy we are in serving the church, we should always be reminded of Paul's words to Timothy that we should do in love, with a pure heart, a good conscience, a sincere faith.

No room for hypocrites. No room for self-gain, self-fame or selfish motives. No hidden agendas.

Just a pure heart, a good conscience, a sincere faith, to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Not Ashamed of God's Word - Psalms 119:41-48

In Psalm 119:41-48, the psalmist bold portrays absolute confidence in God's word, in his life, to people around and to God.

He has absolute confidence in God's loving kindness and salvation according to His word. v41
Through His word, he has answer for people who reproach him. v42.
He has complete trust in His word. v42,43
The word permeates to his life, to his actions. He keeps the law continually. v44
He is not ashamed of sharing his testimonies concerning God in his life before kings. v46.
He delights in his word. v47
He meditates on it. v48

Many things to learn from these verses. Especially not being ashamed of sharing God's testimonies before kings. How often we shy away from mentioning God before others. Especially so when we are before people who rank higher in us in society. We tend to discount God, be afraid of how people view us when we mention God, afraid that some disadvantage/inconvenience will come us.

May God forgive us, and help us to be strong and courageous, to share our testimonies of God's grace in our lives before anyone.

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Warning to Repent

Jeremiah 25:8-9 "Therefore, this is what the Lord of Hosts says, 'Because you have not obeyed My words, I am going to send My servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and I will bring them against this land, against its residents, and against all these surrounding nations, and I will completely destroy them and make them a desolation, a derision and ruins forever.'"

Jeremiah 26:13 "So now, correct your ways and deeds and obey the voice of the Lord your God so that He might relent concerning the disaster that He warned about."

In this present age, when the sins of relativism, sexual immorality, the mocking of God, greed, deceit, oppression rule abound in the world, we need to be reminded of God's message through Jeremiah.

The same sins that Judah committed then which caused them to incur God's wrath are prevalent now, if not, even more so then before. We need to heed Jeremiah 26:13.

A Christian should have Meaningful Relations

Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."

A Christian is not called to be alone, living for self, just worried about himself. He is to have concern others, considering their interest to be more important than his. He is to commit to a community of believers. He is to be salt and light amongst the unsaved.

He is to have meaningful relationships with people. In doing so, he not only gives and serves others, but also benefits from them. He is 'sharpened' by them. He learns from them, in humility, through others bearing a better imitation of Christ both in knowledge and life.

At the same time, he sharpens others also, in Christ, to sharpen them in the mould of Christ, that together, the community of believers is built up, and God's truth and love is proclaimed to the surroundings.

Being Strengthened Through God's Word

Psalm 119:28 "I am weary from grief; strengthen me through your word."

In our deepest sorrows, griefs, depressions, worries, anxieties, who can we turn to? Often, we sought after a listening ear, a psychologist, a counselor. But above all that, let us turn to the word of God who strengthens us who are weary from grief. He never fails. He doesn't just solve problems at the surface or behavioral level. He solves the root of the problem for us through His sanctifying word.

Let us believe in the sufficiency, in the sanctification, in the salvation, of His word by reading it through and through. Through it, we are strengthened, like eagles soaring with their wings.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Mark of a True Believer

2 Thess 1:4 Therefore, we ourselves boast about you among God's churches about your endurance and faith in all the persecutions and afflictions you endure. It is a clear evidence of God's righteous judgement that you will be counted worthy of God's kingdom, for which you also are suffering,

The modern church movement is emphasizing and encouraging that people stay in their comfort zone of lusts and wants. They even command you that you are to demand from God, to seek material wealth from Him, to seek health from Him. Such are evident from books like "Undeserved/Unmerited Favor", "Victorious Living" by Joseph Prince who centrals his messages around the doctrine of grace. The grace Joseph Prince emphasizes on is health and wealth. He sometimes allows people a peephole view of the cross as a means to avoid hell and a ticket to heaven. And immediately, centrals back to the health and wealth messages

But the grace the bible says is not at all like that. The grace of the bible is CHRIST CRUCIFIED for us. Health and wealth are secondary. They are not a necessity, though God may bless people with it to build the church, not just indulge in themselves. In fact, Christ and the letters of Paul encourages Christians that we are to rejoice in suffering for the Lord. For it is a clear evidence that we will be counted worthy of God's Kingdom.

Flee from the deceptiveness of the health and wealth gospel. This is not the true gospel. This is not obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus. This falsehood will cause you to pay the penalty of eternal destruction from the Lord's presence.

2 Thess 1:8-9 "taking vengeance with flaming fire on those who don't know God and on those who don't obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. Theses will pay the penalty of eternal destruction from the Lord's presence..."

On the other hand, this is not a doom and gloom gospel.

By delighting and pursuing the true gospel of Christ, by centering on Christ being crucified, by wiling to bear our own cross daily, we are not suffering in vain. We have joy through suffering, knowing that is for the sake of Christ. Through it, we are counted worthy of the Kingdom. Through it, though it seems we lose our lives, we actually gain it. Through it, we earn the crown of righteousness. Through it, we receive praise, as the good, faithful slave of Christ.

God's Word - My Base, My Delight, My Counselor

Psalm 119:23-24 "Though princes sit together speaking against me, Your servant will think about Your statutes; Your decrees are my delight and my counselors."

The Psalm of 119 uplifts the Word of God to be our life's highest standard, the source of all joy, all truth, all knowledge of God, guiding our lives.

Today, the world might look down upon those who regard the bible as the highest authority. Though they accept the bible as just one of the many religious books that teach morality, but they do not the bible as the absolute, highest, divine authority and Word from God.

Because of this, people will frown upon those who hold the bible as the utmost standard in their lives. They think that such people are wasting their time, investing their resources in vanity, unloving because they are not willing to compromise to other religious standards.

Psa 119:23-24 encourages us that though people may speak against us because of this. Even princes, people of high worldly position, may speak against us. But what we hold on to and controls our thinking, is God's Word.

Yet, this is not just a passive holding on to His Word in spite of opposition, but His Word becomes the delight to our lives. True joy, not dependent on people, conditions and surroundings.

His Word also becomes a counselor to us. Perhaps we are troubled, depressed, God's Word can be a counselor for us.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Courage of Wang Ming Dao

"In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:33

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" Php 3:13

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it." Luke 9:23-24

On July 30, 1991, Shanghai, China, life was pretty normal. Ships, ferries moved along the Huang Pu river, streets were crowded and it was business as usual. On that morning, a group of men and women quietly slipped into a tiny, one-bedroom apartment in Shanghai to blend their voices and prayers in a memorial service for 91-year old Wang Ming Dao. The service was scheduled to be held the following day, but fearing that there will be too many people, family and friends decided to go ahead with a private memorial service on Tuesday instead of the scheduled Wednesday.

Wang Ming Dao was one of the most influential Chinese Christians to have lived in this century, and you might think it strange that the memorial service was held only in a small, one bedroom apartment where Wang and his saintly wife lived. 

However, in China, there is a lot more to think about than flowers and special music. Wang Ming Dao was an ex-convict, having once been sentenced to death row under China'a penal code. When people visited Wang's little apartment, they would discreetly close the blinds to hide their presence from prying eyes.

What was the crime that sent Wang to prison for twenty two years and nine months? The Communist government charged and convicted him of being a "counter revolutionary" and sent him to forced labor in the northern part of China, where worked in a coal mine. His real crime was that Wang was committed to Jesus Christ. When the Communists closed the churches in early 1950s, Wang who was a leader, defiantly said, "They can close our churches but they cannot stop us from worshiping God in the confines of our homes!"

If anyone was a saint, Wang Ming Dao was one. Was he perfect? No. Committed? Yes. At eighty nine, he was hard of hearing and almost blind, yet he was alert, and in spite of everything he had been through, he had retained his sense of humour. In 1981, following his release from prison, Wang wrote of the events in his life in an autobiography called, A Stone Made Smooth. He would often say, he's a stone, but not yet smooth!

Today, the stone has turned into a crown. Wang Ming Dao is part of the reason that the church inside China is among the fastest growing in the world in spite of the repression of a government that is committed to Atheism.

One of the reasons people admire him is that he was so human. Convicted and thrown into prison, Wang began to question the mercy of a God who would allow such punishment on His children, and acknowledging his misgiving, he was released. Out of prison, he felt that he had betrayed Christ like Peter and again stood resolutely for Christ. This time, he was sent back to prison for the long haul.

Authentic saints are not made out of plaster of Paris or painted with gloss enamel. They are real men and women who have tasted the fire of bitter persecution but have found in the flame the presence of Jesus Christ to sustain and strengthen them.

Shortly before his death, when asked what lesson he could share with the church elsewhere, he firmly and resolutely replied, "Tell them to walk the hard road!" Wang Ming Dao was one of the greatest of all time. And at the end of the hard road, he met his Master, Jesus Christ.

 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matt 5:11-12

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." 2 Tim 4:7-8

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


读 Matt 25:14-30

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Learning from Abraham

Abraham's faith is manifested most at three points.

1. When he obeyed the command of God, not knowing where he would go next, but still departed from his home of Ur to the land God promised him.

Would we leave our comfort zone for more service to God, to obey Him? As we examine our lives, how can we stretch our boundaries, our time, our gifts, for better service to God?

2. When he continued to believe in God's promise that God would give them a son even though Abraham and Sarah were already in old age.

Are you praying for something, waiting for God to answer? As long as it's in God's will, persevere on. Don't lose faith.

3. When he obeyed God's command to sacrifice his son Issac whom he had awaited decades for. But Abraham was still willing to do so for he had faith that God would resurrect Issac.

Would we give up something we love and adore for God? What is the one thing we cherish most? Are we willing if asked to, to give it up for God?

Learning points:
1. True Faith is one of obedience to God

2. Don't solve problems with ways contrary to biblical principles. Ishmael whom Abraham bore with Hagar brought about many problems even till today.

3. That whatever it is we experience, be it good for bad, in Christ, God has planned it for our good.