Saturday, April 29, 2006

Finished exams = graduate?

Just finished exams. Haiz, probably most difficult paper in my 4 years. Now can only hope that i get at least a 'D' grade so i can graduate. Coz if more CS =..(

Received this mail from Pr. Lingli, wish to share it with all. =)

Cute cartoon about faith and the cross hope you enjoy

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Random photos

Thought that i should show some photos and improve my lousy blogspot photo placing.

Grandparents with my beloved cousins. Both are in melbourne now though.
Cat's fav nephew. Nicholas. Quite blur and naughty. Need to learn to pee standing up.

That's me and that's my gf. Taken during her cousin's wedding where we the sister and bros.


Read the Bible in a year

I know that i have been in church for 10 over years now. But i have to admit something. That i have never completed the bible. I mean its ok with the Historical books, but once i come to Psalms, Minor Prophets, Leviticus etc. i really can't absorb anything. Could be that my environment is not conducive enough. So for those having the same problem as me, here's a good website that helps you read the bible in a year.
Read the Bible in a year.
Its really good, provides for convenient/easy reading and monitors your progress. So let's encourage each other and embark on this "impossible journey" ya. =)

Also thank God that Cat's got her new job. Now for her to tender resignation. Gonna start on June 5th. For me, i am starting on the 15th May. So, really new phase for both of us. Hehe...erm...look around for HDB flats???

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The 99th post

Er...placing of photo didn't turn out too well. But, nevertheless, its Cat's two fav. niece and nephew. =)

wow, this is gonna be my 99th post! Didn't know i blog that much. (neither do u right? =) )
Well, many of them are crap ones. Well i am improving on it.

Included a tag it board. So please post! At least i can know who is reading my sacred contents. Hahaha. Currently studying for tomorrow's business law paper. After that will be Natural lang. processing paper on sat. And then, its free free! Potentially going genting/KL and of coz, 1 day after that will be the start of my new phase of life! Life at CS.

Well, contract included a clause that i have to pass my exams, ie graduate. So, though highly unlikely, i do have a stress that i might fail. So, better study. Hehe, the HR whom called me is a fellow intern whom i knew last year, easier to get info. from her liao.

Great that Cat is on her way to negotiating a new job. Hope all goes well for her. If all goes smoothly, we gonna have our second job advancement together. =) Realli gotta give thanks.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Jason Bourne is way cool....

Gotta so go catch Bourne Supremacy. Action, intelligence, whatever, it has it.

Starting work on the 15th May. Whilst the free time before that, do know whether is there a chance to go tour not. Just too many constraints. But i do not mind not going anywhere. Just slack in Singapore also can. =)

Well, a list of to-do things to remind me,
1. Set up meeting for YF
2. YF last meeting minutes
3. return library mag

Oh...gotta ensure that i pass my 2 remaining modules and grad! Today when to retrieve my student feedback. For those unaware, i taught programming methodology last sem to a grp of year 1s. It was very fulfilling, and definitely a good experience. Just wanna put some comments by them here =)

What are the teacher's strengths?
1. careness
2. I like the way Jason teaches us the tutorial and actually he helped us understand a lot about the basic concept of object-oriented programming.
3. Very approachable. Able to level himself up with people of different programming strengths.
4. Helpful and very ready to give advice. Has good knowledge on the module.
5. A very solid and dedicated teacher focused on imparting knowledge and a love of the field. Observes students carefully and renders close assitance when necessary, making sure no student in the class is left behind. Always very humble and approachable. Works hard behind the scenes.

What improvements would you suggest to the teacher?
1. More tutorial questions please. Make us do homework.
2. Keep up the good work!
3. Could try to give more exercises.

Glad that my students found me useful =). I hope this goes the same for my Sunday sch class. "Teaching to change lives"

Well, some teaching tips that i can remember off hand that might be useful,
1. Maximum involvement causes maximum learning
2. A teacher should continously grow as he teaches too.
3. F.A.T. Faithful, Available, Teachable.
4. Makes use of all available aids to teach
5. Take a genuine interest in students.

For more, read "Teaching to change lives" by Howard Hendricks.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Godliness is not a means to financial gain

As many of us are stepping into a different milestone of our lives, ie working, where we are concerned more earning money, I just want to emphasize and make clear that believing in God will NOT make you rich. There are just too many messages out there that proclaim that if you serve more, you get more blessings. I quote from the bible and you decide yourself.

1 Timothy 6:3-10 The love of money

3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4 they are conceited and understand nothing. They have an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions 5 and constant friction between people of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.

6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

I rejected Barclays

Sleepy but thought that i could squeeze in an entry. Just came back from prayer meeting. Also was abit late as Cat, her mum and I had supper. Well, it was more for Cat as she had not eaten her dinner. Aniways, she can enjoy coz its her birthday!

How did we celebrate it? Church frens and us went to PS swensens and had dinner followed by coffee at Starbucks. Had nice photo taking session and chat. =) Thanks for all the presents to Cat!

Today, well Barclays called early in the morning 9am but i was out for a run. Called them back and turned out that they wanted me to go for a video conf. interview with someone from London. Haiz, was expecting an offer, but since i really feel indebted to CS boss liao i knew the decision was to reject Barclays, veri well knowing that they pay higher. But really, pay isn't everything right? God has really shown me enough grace and blessings. Really a lot.

Come Sunday, "as for me and household, we will serve the Lord" =D

And oh...for all my frens who dun have mood to study, u r not alone... hahahaha
Gambatte! Getsuga tenshou

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

On my way to landing my dream job

Yep yep. Met up with boss and his ka-kia but nevertheless both my big boss. Told me about the employment packages, and boss was really nice and gracious, allowing me the choice of when to start work, negotiating salary and so on. Really must work hard to prove myself worthy man!

Both of them and i also had a great chat. They shared upon their journeys in their careers, lessons learned, gave my advice on how i should advance my career, and many other invaluable advice. Boss treated of coz, and i happily went home. Now to eagerly await the contract signing.

Today was HYP presentation. Went quite well with the first evaluator, but second i was abit too complacent and not focused. But it went pretty well too. However, i got stumped by some questions asked. Dunno good or bad, but another colleague of mine from TLI help ellaborated some of the motivations. Anyway i felt that it was good, as compared to relationships between pple, i view it definitely more impt and treasured than grades. Was just so touched that he came down and supported me, even though he's not my direct sup. Really can click with him.

Stayed back in lab and tried to finish up NLP. Quite cool. =D

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday

My best easter sunday ever. ( i think...) Coz my family and cherie's family all came to church! Well of coz we are one big family. So grateful and thankful to God. =) All of us had lunch after service downstairs and had great fellowship. Sometimes i really feel indebted to the church. I mean of course we are indebted to God, but in small practical ways, i feel indebted to the church, and specific people too in the church.

Went to Malaysia to sing the 7 last words yesterday in JB. Not far from second link. Well, actually not veri near too. Convoy of 10 cars went and we presented. Though the singing for the males was abit "kill chicken", i think what's important is that we sing from our hearts. Hope we indeed help some people there with our vocals. muahaha

Looking forward to tomorrow too, where i am meeting my boss at CS. I really hope he does some actual confirmation soon. Wait so long liao...
Along with him is another VP i think, could be that i am under him tt's why he asked him along? I could think of no other reason. If not, y not ask my ex-buddy? Hehe..


j48..distributionForInstance( instance )

j48..distributionForInstance( instance )

Pls dun get annoyed with me . (shy)

I still need to complete my computer science degree!!! =(

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good Friday

Thank God that my parents were williing to join me in Good Friday's service today. I realli think that deep in their hearts, they want to reach out to God, but its just that something that is pulling them back. Anyway, i love them and wish for us to be in the eternal kingdom together.

Going to Malaysia to sing the 7 last words. Was quite guilty at having missed the singing during prayer meeting. Haizz...I have the time. Its onli, am i willing to forsake the time? I had so much time to watch movie, slack around, yet just come up of excuses to avoid choir. Realli need to wake up, especially when i go around telling pple to give ur best to God. So specially hard to live out what u hear or teach. But a prayer realli touched me, its about giving ur best to God. So admist all my stupid projects, this choir singinig is something tt since i can do it, why not.

Oh, and please God, lead my family and Uncle's family to church on easter sunday. Pls pls pls.

Btw, Barclays called and say that i will know the result coming wk. Funny rite. Mum says that its i am in the second line. But anyway, going to lunch with Director coming mon and gonna ask him when SIGN!!! excited!!! Chances are...CS!! I want u!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Ultraviolet - Catch no ball

I am sure you will agree with me if u watched the show ultra-violet. Cat and i were cluesless. Unless you are a fanatic of Milla Jovovich, you wun realli wanna watch the show. A giantic 90 min Milla Jovovich MTV.

Hehe...looking forward to lunch with Director nx Mon!

And...please God, help me with ......

Monday, April 10, 2006


Gosh...still very worried about something. (those close to me should know. And no, its not about contract signing)

I really hope that they will turn out fine. God please preserve them. Please please...
All these things around just confirm my decision to try to always stay in singapore. In my opinion, its really too much to disregard everything and leave for another country in own's individual interest. Of course if things are turning out fine, no qualms, go pursue your dreams! But else, i think we really have to do what really matters.


Friday, April 07, 2006


Quite distressing to hear about some bad stuff occuring with my uncle's family. I really can't spell out the explicit details here. Some stuff is really left private. I really hope that they can find God. I think they will certainly find the light from Him. And now, pls me to show them the way to God.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Day!!!

So happy today!

First, interview with Barclays. GD didn't really do very well but the interview was gd! Its was my first time holding a decent conversation with Londeners! Aactually they are quite understandable, i am referring to their english accent here. Ur mind and speech sorta auto switch to perfect eng mode. Not the usual wah biang mode. muahahha....Well but still don't realli expect to get the job since there is just too much competition. Well, halfway thru the interview guess who called? CS!! Yes! But i could not pick it up. Well, will call tmr, hope its gd news. Like signing contract or something =).

2nd. Came home and checked mail. Wow. HYP supervisor said wanted to submit my HYP paper to conference!!! wah biang! i can't believe it! so honoured man...=) Also he said my report was well written. Really couldn't believe it. I thought that i had done a really bad job. =D

Well, throughout all these, I really have to Thank God. Initially i though Sun sch was realli gonna be a trouble for me. But hey, what's more impt than helping 8 students grow up to be better people! And indeed, time management is really what you need to juggle lotsa stuff. May God give me strength to continue Sun sch work despite whether times of troubles or goodness. happy today!!!

Pre-Barclays interview

4 hrs to go before my Barclays interview. I thought that i should surf around sites and look at interview tips. But i thought, hey i have done that umpteen times, and it didn't realli help me. So why not think in depth from within myself and bring out those desirable qualities that i already have? These will truly be intrinsic to me, and i certainly do not have to memorize any "desirable interview skills" from some website. Here goes... My list of interview tips,

1. Be yourself.
2. Be confident.
3. Pray that God will lead.
4. Since He will lead, leave it to Him the outcome. He knows best for you.
5. You might blow your own horn and keep boasting about your own qualities, but never lose your character and integrity.
6. Be truthful.
7. Emphasize your good points through examples.
8. Do not negotiate about pay please...this is suicide.
9. Be calm, composed, and give out well though answers, suggestions (if in GDs)
10. Lastly, again, let God lead.

Well, I hope this helps in anyone who's having interviews in the near future. Now...Barclays, here i come. Of coz which if CS let's me sign now i won't be doing all these. But hey, its a good experience and the only thing i have to lose is time... so why not?

Brought grandparents to hospital for checkup this morning. Time flies, its been already a month since grandma was discharged. I really Thank God for his grace and mercy to them. They are all approaching their 80s yet still so healthy. I really hope that the seed planted in them will grow and we can enter the Kingdom of God together.

Mum's got her Altis and its coming in a few wks. Sis got her 40k flute. (i did not mistype the amt if u were wondering.) Dad home, freelancing. I preparing HYP poster, some sch work and most of them time wondering when CS will call. Cat is so busy now, but she enjoys the challenge. Busy here busy there, but come weekend, let's all take a break and focus back to enjoyment of life and praising God.

Btw, Bleach the anime is damn nice. Getsuga Tenshou!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Basis of Life

"When you lose money, you lose nothing. When you lose health, you lose something. When you lose character, you lose everything."

The last phrase can also be changed to "When you lose faith, you lose everything." Pr. Susan

This is really one of the arch stones that i should base my life on. May it be normal live to dog eating at GD(s) (one coming up at Barclays!), I should treat it as one of my core basis. Basis for life.

I also like another one that i chanced upon at CS, "Always maintain a consistent set of performance despite setbacks."

HYP Sales talk tips

1. Be enthusiastic
2. Confident
3. Bring out importance of project
- how it helps society, eg reduce cost for SAF etc.

Monday, April 03, 2006

JPMorgan gone...comes along Barclays

Woot. JPM probably threw me into the longkang. Well, Barclays was there to pick me up. Going interview coming thurs. Of course all this while, if only CS let me sign the contract, i won't really be shopping here and there for IBs. So...

while(CS haven't lemme sign){
shop for IBs

Please do not say i am a geek upon seeing this pseudocode. Turned out that the nice building on top of Dhoby Ghaut is actually housing Barclays. wow...EPL...

Continuing rushing HYP... though coming to an end. And please let me persevere so that i can diligently prepare my sun sch lessons. Its really a work that i must do admist all these worldly stuff that i indulge in. To grow close to God and do His Work.

Ok gotta do poster slides, and CS!! get me down to sign the $%^&* contract!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

4 more days to HYP report

Dear all HYP muggin frens. Its the final 4 days, please do all you can to package the Big LIE. hahah. Its gonna get us our graduation dress.

Went to prayer meeting last night. I really have to resolute to balance my work life with and life with God. Else i am really gonna lose focus. And sun sch preparation!! I hope in my future working life, i realli can manage my time to do both work n sun sch work well. Along the way of coz care for family and friends. To do the stuff that really matters. Heheh..maybe in between do some leveling up in maple? hahaha. Jokin.

Well...think i got kicked out of JPM 2nd rd liao. Expected. It was pure cut throat dog eat dog episode. Oh...Jarvis got into KPMG. wow cool. NKF saga. Wonder what does an IT auditor do. Is it technical? or biz process one?