Saturday, April 22, 2006

I rejected Barclays

Sleepy but thought that i could squeeze in an entry. Just came back from prayer meeting. Also was abit late as Cat, her mum and I had supper. Well, it was more for Cat as she had not eaten her dinner. Aniways, she can enjoy coz its her birthday!

How did we celebrate it? Church frens and us went to PS swensens and had dinner followed by coffee at Starbucks. Had nice photo taking session and chat. =) Thanks for all the presents to Cat!

Today, well Barclays called early in the morning 9am but i was out for a run. Called them back and turned out that they wanted me to go for a video conf. interview with someone from London. Haiz, was expecting an offer, but since i really feel indebted to CS boss liao i knew the decision was to reject Barclays, veri well knowing that they pay higher. But really, pay isn't everything right? God has really shown me enough grace and blessings. Really a lot.

Come Sunday, "as for me and household, we will serve the Lord" =D

And oh...for all my frens who dun have mood to study, u r not alone... hahahaha
Gambatte! Getsuga tenshou

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