Thursday, April 27, 2006

Read the Bible in a year

I know that i have been in church for 10 over years now. But i have to admit something. That i have never completed the bible. I mean its ok with the Historical books, but once i come to Psalms, Minor Prophets, Leviticus etc. i really can't absorb anything. Could be that my environment is not conducive enough. So for those having the same problem as me, here's a good website that helps you read the bible in a year.
Read the Bible in a year.
Its really good, provides for convenient/easy reading and monitors your progress. So let's encourage each other and embark on this "impossible journey" ya. =)

Also thank God that Cat's got her new job. Now for her to tender resignation. Gonna start on June 5th. For me, i am starting on the 15th May. So, really new phase for both of us. Hehe...erm...look around for HDB flats???

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