Saturday, April 15, 2006

Good Friday

Thank God that my parents were williing to join me in Good Friday's service today. I realli think that deep in their hearts, they want to reach out to God, but its just that something that is pulling them back. Anyway, i love them and wish for us to be in the eternal kingdom together.

Going to Malaysia to sing the 7 last words. Was quite guilty at having missed the singing during prayer meeting. Haizz...I have the time. Its onli, am i willing to forsake the time? I had so much time to watch movie, slack around, yet just come up of excuses to avoid choir. Realli need to wake up, especially when i go around telling pple to give ur best to God. So specially hard to live out what u hear or teach. But a prayer realli touched me, its about giving ur best to God. So admist all my stupid projects, this choir singinig is something tt since i can do it, why not.

Oh, and please God, lead my family and Uncle's family to church on easter sunday. Pls pls pls.

Btw, Barclays called and say that i will know the result coming wk. Funny rite. Mum says that its i am in the second line. But anyway, going to lunch with Director coming mon and gonna ask him when SIGN!!! excited!!! Chances are...CS!! I want u!!!

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