Monday, December 31, 2007

Getting Married! and thanks to those who helped out!

I am getting married this coming Saturday 5th Jan!!!
It will be a church wedding then lunch buffet than break in the afternoon and have a evening tea ceremony followed by the wedding dinner tonite.

Wanted to say a Big thank you to all of you whom have helped out with the wedding preparations.
You know who u are! :) Its with you guys that Cat and I could have a fun, relaxed day where we share our marriage vows! From helping me with the song lyrics, producing of the invitaiton/bulletin cards, corages/hongbao/ring pillow boxes, emceeing, carpark marshalling, ushering, marchin, AV, video, photo montage, marriage counselling, honeymoon prep, crowd control etc etc. so many things but guys just make it happen for me. THANK YOU!!!

Treat u all to big big one.

Of coz also BIG THANKS to my family. The reno, seating plan, honeymoon, etc etc also...they did so many things!!

Lastly Thank you Lord, for besides the salvation you bestow, she is the greatest gift i can ever receive!

hope fully can post up some wedding photos and videos soon!

Now to count down!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The true meaning of Christmas

The true meaning of Christmas.



"When we celebrate Christmas, have you ever thought that Christ was born for you.
When we exchange presents to friends and loved ones,
let us give to God holy praises.

When we praise the Savior Lord and give unto Him our lives,
we let men on earth know about His love.
He was born in Bethlehem,
a gift given by God to man.
Thank you Heavenly Father,
For your perfect loving gift."

Sunday, December 16, 2007

End of SF/YF Camp + PS Photos!

Hello, just completed SF/YF camp this wk. Though tiring, but thank God that everything went well and the students benefitted greatly both in fun and in the Word of God.

surprize surprize..below!!! Glimsp of Photoshoot photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alamak...i hope the above photos do look like me. Hate it when pple sae come u look so different come don't look like u one.=X

But hor...very yandao and mei nu rite =D

Saturday, December 08, 2007

BIG Thank you

Hey all, first off, I would just like to say a BIG thank you to a great colleague and friend at work. Thanks, Jaz, for the 1000 piece Mickey and Minnie jigsaw puzzle below! (she spent 2 days doing this thing nice...:P and its was nicely framed! ) Seems like wifey has a companion in her jigsaw puzzle building.

As wedding preparations come by more and more, also got to thank Linglee and I-ning for helping me with the SF choir to sing the song that my sis composed. They thought long and hard about the lyrics/melody merging and also guided the SF choir. Thanks to you both and also u lovely kids in SF!

And of course, to Thank God for all these wonderful people around me. Also want to thank my family, whom helped tremendously with house renovations, ensuring that i have a nice nest to stay when I am married. My grandparents, for their daily meals providence...My uncle offering to help with video graphy and photo montage other friends who are all in the preparation process...and of coz my wife (to be) for kinda like EVERYTHING. Let's enjoy our wedding prep and the day itself ok? Not to mention NZ...

Coming week I will be on leave to help out in SF/YF camp! Thank the Lord too that all is well in work, managed to rush out some last minute year end work and am thankful that it all went well, hence letting me able to help out church camp in peace. Remember back i think 15 yrs ago i attended my first church camp and now, I am doing it for other students, hope that it will be a memorable one for them too, not only in terms of fun but through the camp, getting to know God better. more random thoughts, or rather too lazy to pen them down. Gonna sleep soon, tmr sun sch, sun service, SCEL Christmas rally, and wedding @ nite.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

1 month countdown...

Wah...very long neber update liao. Singlish all come out liao. hahahah

hehe, below are the song lyrics to be sung by SF choir during my wedding. So romantic rite...They sounded really angelic during their first rehearsal. Many thanks to I-ning and Linglee who led them! My sis gotta quickly come back and rehearse with them!

What we saw during our traffic-jam-look-at-christmas-lights orchard road. It distracted me away from the christmas decos.

Hachi Roku!!! (meaning 86...well even though Jaz says its supposed to bbe Hachi Loku.)

And of newly renovated study room! With new tables from ikea and wardrobe!! Super big wardrobe! Super long jointed 2 white tables!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Goodbye Elder Brother Chan Kok Hua

Dear Elder Brother Chan Kok Hua,

Though I may not really know you, what I know of you is that, you have always been a faithful servant of Christ, never failing to attend worship though your grandson may be falling ill or no one is able to fetch you to church. You would still attend church, making your way there yourself, for sunday school, all these at a ripe old age of 77 years old.

You have left behind a testimony that we all should follow, to number our days alright, to serve the Lord faithfully till the end. We know that you have gone to a better place, seeing the Lord face to face. And by God's grace, we will meet again.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank the Lord, my lasik operation went successfully!

Thank the Lord, my lasik operation went successfully! =D

So glad that after being bespectacled for 16 years i finally got back my (almost) perfect vision.
The whole operation though abit intimidating, is actually quite painless. (Though I have tried explaining this to some pple 10,000 times, they don't take it)

It is also kinda my first operation. Well my first one was actually way back when i was very young to remove some lump in my back but that didn't turn out very well. haha.
The whole process really taught me to rely upon God. To know that I am at His mercy. It also made me understanding to those having medical problems, an indication to the kind of worry that they might have. And that I am sure, few would actually turn down you when you offer to say a prayer for them.

It is at these times that man feel most vulnerable, putting aside all treasures/wealth/etc. aside and knowing that they need God at the most. And that is what I felt when I was doning my surgurical gown before entering the operating theatre. So may the Lord help us to be at one's side when he/she is at such a state in life.

For now, have to frequently put eyedrops, acustome to the 'halos' that i see at night, and just careful that no force is applied to my eyes. Btw, I did mine at The Lasik Surgury Clinic at Paragon. Courtesy of recommendation from Emily.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mature and Complete, not Lacking in Anything

hey hey..

2 more months and I will be in NZ, marital status, married. Unbelieveable right...Can't imagine too. haha. But thank God for everything.

Just got back from a funeral just now, Pr. Ling Ling Bing's bro passed away at a young age of 49. He was fighting arithtitis for over 20 years and breathed his last on the 31st Oct. The Lord called him back to a far better place where he will have a whole new glorious body. I caught a glance at the banner behind his coffin. "Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No body goes to the Father except through Me." Enough said. Within these few words, the hope and peace which it brings to people is immeasurable.


Wifey just blogged quite a romantic and heartwarming post. Awwwww....


Work has been going on fine, learning the piano as usual, start learning more and more notes. Latest song to practise is "Diana" sung in 1957 by Paul Anka, the guy who also brought you the hit "My Way".

Well work hasn't realli been so smooth going for some colleagues of mine. People problems. Wifey also has problems. Mum too.
Well i think man's speech realli can't do much in encouragement...but the Word of God in James might help.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

John Macarthur

John Macarthur is really a man who stands up for the Truth. See the below videos...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Some updates, and also, welcome Declan!

Some updates...

Firstly, congratulations May and David. You guys are now officially...parents! Thank the Lord that everything went well and both mother and child are doing fine. May Declan grow in truth and stature, and in favour with both men and God.

Now very contrastingly, I met with an unfortunate incident. Before prayer meeting on fri, while i was having dinner, i witnessed a car accident which involved 3 victims, which I till now have no news if they survived not. I am pretty sure that 2 of them would turn out fine but one of them was injured very badly at that point in time. His body motionless, lying there. So all there, the junction of Sims Ave and Aljunied Road (near Aljunied MRT) is no joke. Please be extra alert when crossing/driving around there.

I am still looking out for newspaper articles reporting on the incident that all 3 are alright. If that seriously injured guy passes away, i will be so stunned, and probably night marish.
Also, this reminds me that life can just slip pass u in a second, you never knowing. You might not have the chance to say good bye to your dearest ones. I sincerely hope that everyone embraces the salvation of Jesus before its their turn...
And also, with the breathe in you, glorify God with it.

Went Gospel tracting before YF, as usual, most rejected, but thanked God that the others managed to reach out to some, whom are really earnestly seeking God. May we continue to pray for them. Life is not just a endless cycle of work, eat, sleep, but a life that we are able to seek God and in turn allow God to seek us, that we can rejoice and live it to fruition.

Mid nite liao...gotta sleep teach SS tmr...and mon where its back to work!!! =X

Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Sis wrote a Song!

My sis wrote for me a song which I penned the lyrics.
Power rite....btw my sis is in NY a school called MSM (guess the acronym la...)doing her flute masters.

Romantic hor??? =D a small problem how to sing/play the song...=X

Saturday, October 13, 2007

26 liao

Hello all..been awhile since the last post. Getting lethargic when it comes to blogger ya.

While I have just turned 26 officially. I thank God greatly for the many showers of blessings during these 26 years. May i remain faithful and resolve till the very end.

Got quite a headache selecting our wedding photos. We got to choose 30 pics from out of alot alot and to top up additional photos is very expensive. Together with Cat, we decided that the money used to top up the photos could be better spent as where. Hence, we will stick to 30 photos and take more photos during the AD and honey moon! Anyway, you can view some of the photos at Cat's page.

Recently been quite crazy over music, especially piano playing. Together with a colleague (GS), we are picking up pop piano. I've been attending this pop piano class at yamaha and am already into my 4th lesson. Left hand bass clef ok...right hand trevor clef ok...both hands together NOT OK. Must seriously improve on my sight reading. Now its equivalent to the pace of a millipede...even slower. But I ma enjoying yea..=)

Also realize another style of playing the piano, which is kinda of porting the style from guitar..that is..just whack the chords and singalong..hahaha...but some how I am much better at that! and doing that I can kinda of play by ear...hahah...but i wanna learn the traditional way of reading the notes and hopefully can combine them both sister's playing!! (fat hope..haha)

Wedding coming soon...ooohh...lots of things to do... things @ work too...@ church too...

Been reading a book given by Pr. Linglee, just wanna share this sentence which realli nailed it.

"The disciple of Christ is one who in every area of his life determines from the bible what is right and lives it consistently rather than allowing circumstances to shape his conduct."
May God help all of us to carve His word into our hearts.

(p.s.: I wrote some dumb lyrics for a song for a stupid company event.)

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Hello! Had my photoshoot on wednesday. Thank God that everything went fine. I was quite uncomfortable initially, not knowing what to expect and how to react, but I just prayed for guidance and followed.

It was quite fun, posing, similing, fixing the smile, have never done that in my life. Thanks to Nicholas who was my helper that day. Buying lunch, carrying stuff, chaffuering and using that portable fan on me.

Cat enjoyed it alot. Haha..phew...

Hope to post some of the photos soon. Meanwhile, just enjoy two of them below!
The train...

My eyes too small, skin too white, too fat...hahahahhahah...but still nice la!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Meals on Wheels For Children - YWCA

Recently my company had an event calling for volunteers at YWCA. Its called "meals on wheels for children". Well, any activity that is rooted in the Christian faith, I will support. Hence went...

Took care of about 20 over children, mainly coming from needy familes. Took quite a no. of photos and you can see them below,

The program actually delivers dinners to these children such that no children will go to bed hungry and about once or twice in a month, they will organize an event where the kids can come and be mentored by older bros and sis. For today's case, us! haha...played plenty of games with them and it was fun. They realli enjoyed the games and also the Macdonalds lunch.

I was thinking to myself how did they get the children to come here, and then I realized that a mini-van would realli do wonders to such a ministry. Being able to use the van to fetch them to and fro, to outreach to them. I pray that our church would be able to get a van of our own so that we could do the same.

Count my blessings, i was born in a wonderful family. And I realli have to share my graces/blessings with others.

To God be the Glory, and thanks to the wonderful missionary who set up YWCA (go to to know more.).

** PS on wednesday! =D

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mid Autumn Gospel Rally

Mid Autumn Gospel Rally held on Saturday 7pm. May those whom have heard accept the greatest gift of their lives.

Sis Wanting and Preacher Susan:Mischievous kids, but cute though...
Service Hand book
Response slip. lunch to ...bombay cafe at suntec funni...doesn't feel like you are in Sg at all when you are inside!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hello, just had our final fitting today. Catherine and I had our measurements taken and Cat confimed her photo shoot gowns while I confimed my jackets (done in 10 mins plus...). Cat also had her trial make up. Later let u see a glimpse..... Our photo shoot will be on the Oct 3rd. We are planning to take it at three locations, mother church(zion presbyterian), East Coast and the floating stadium which is still pending approval. Share with you some b4 and after photos...haha..dun laugh!!!
haha...transformed into......

I have also been reading the below book "Facing your Giants" by Max Lucado. Its really a good book and through the happenings of what David has gone through, help you face your own giants. Your giants might not only come in the form of a physical man, but it could come as your addiction to pornography, or if you are far away from God, if you can't stop gossiping, if you keep doubting yourself, and many more. Max uses the Word of God to help us overcome this. I have so far read half of the book and I seriously recommend to everyone. It will realli do gd. I particularly like this one,...

Its the story of how David conquered the city of Jerusalem. The jebusites who initially in Jerusalem mocked David that even the blind and the lame could keep him and his army out of the cities. And Jerusalem was indeed a stronghold, high walls, with favourable could David win the city? We almost want to join the Jebusites in mocking David. But the bible used this amazing word to describe David's victory...


Nevertheless, David took over Jerusalem. When people mocked him, saying that he can't do it, David did not give up in self doubt or despair. The just went ahead. He strengthened himself in the Lord, like what he did back at Brook Besor. Nevertheless, he conquered the city. Nevertheless, now let me remember this word always!

"Born to alcoholics, nevertheless she led a sober life.
Never went to college, nevertheless he mastered a trade.
Didn't read the bible until retirement age, nevertheless he came to a deep and abiding faith."

"Nevertheless, David took the stronghold..." 2 Sam 5:6-9

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Marriage Life

Had marriage counseling today with wife and Pastor Tang. Would just like to share the invaluable advice from him with everyone, especially when it comes to something so important like marriage. committment from a total person for his total life
What does marriage require? It requires total committment from a total person for his total life. I like to remember it as, TC, TP and TL. Our marriage vows are not simply just a script to read, but really, in sickness in health, in good times, in bad times, for riches for poverty, ... it really requires total committment from both parties from their total persons for their total lives.
As we attend other people's weddings and hear them say their vows, its in fact a time for us to re-affirm the vows that we have said on our own big day. A constant reminder.

2. Marriage, like a plant, has to grow, has to be nurtured.
If left alone, a plant will die. Similarly marriage. If both do not take the effort to nurture it, it will slowly wither, you find yourselves distanting, and slowly die. However, a marriage that grows will in turn cause the lives of both to grow as well. When such happens, each will edify each other. For Catherine and I who are Christians, we pray to God that we both can grow together in maturity, to grow in service to God and lastly to grow in being a blessing to others.

3. Having time for each other
Having time for each other, in terms of both quality and quantity. Many might say that they spent 'quality' time, but let this be done in quantity as well. Many gadgets in our midst are indeed strangling this quality time. Two very good examples are the computer and the T.V. Wife, husband gets home from work, immediately switches on the tv/laptop and zoom...its bedtime. Next day goes to work come back from work.... you get the point. (This is why i resolute not to have a TV set in my bedroom, but the other playrm ok la ;)) Do not let the tv, computer take center stage. Spend time communicating with each other, talk.

4. Be forgiving and respectful to your partner
Many are fully aware that they tend to take their partners for granted, but still do so. We have to be ready to forgive, to respect, to trust, letting each other have their own circle of privacy.

5. Having the right priorities and values
Our priorities and values are without saying, rooted in God's Word. When one gets into a car accident, we should not worry about the damages that we have to pay for the bonnet being damaged or lights being replaced. We ask if the person is firstly safe? Secondly, is anyone else injured? The rest is really secondary, don't have to probe further. Deciding the things that really matter. Pastor Tang said one sentence that I will never forget, "Problems that can be resolved with money are not problems." Quoted one example being the guy who went AWOL with a missing rifle because of his failed relationship with his gf. This is not a problem that can be resolved with money. It hence goes back to the values that we hold, where do they come from? Very often, the world's values disappoint. We have to go back to the values revealed to us in the God's word.

6. Having a Family Altar
Don't be mistaken, its not having a physical sacrifice altar or tablet but really, a time where both of us (or more if have children in the future) can spend the time together praying, pondering over God's word. A family altar also is a like previously mentioned, a set of values we hold together that prompts us to grow in service to God, to the church, to everyone else, that we might be testimonies for Him.

Yep that's it. I am not saying that Catherine and I have kept the above, but it is certainly a reminder writing this entry to myself as well. What I earnestly hope and pray for is that, Catherine and I will establish our own household of faith and keeping hold of all that has been shared here.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Below is my colleague's cool car. haha...she wanted a photo of here goes! (courtesy of my equally cool K800 which dunno why the games application ain't working!)
hmmm..wat did I do for the week? Mon nite went bible nite class on revelation. tues went for children camp at aloha loyang. Nice place, might be planning to use it for student/youth camp in the year end. Wed nite went for some drinks courtesy of a visiting director, but I went home shortly after as I have promised grandparents' dinner. Thurs went out with May, David, Jimmy and wife. And of coz friday nite I can predict will be prayer meeting! Of coz if my code release goes smoothly!!!

For wedding preparations, next sunday will be wife's trial make up (a while) and also my jacket fitting (which will probably be done in 5 mins). least i don't bring a PSP there!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Sad note

Phew...finally backed home. After a day's work, went to nite class on Revelation chapter 12. Pastor Teo linked the chapter back to Daniel chapter 9 about the seventy sevens and also taught about the red dragon with seven heads that stood prepared to swallowed the child that was about to be born out of a woman.

Speaking about childbirth, I was greeted with both pleasant and very sad news today. Catherine's colleague Grace gave birth to a healthy young boy today!

But on a very sad note, i learnt that a colleague of mine whose baby daughter was only a few months maybe even weeks old, had passed away last friday. He is now back in India.

Once again I am reminded that life is really not in our hands. Who are we to determine that we are going to live for the next 10, 20 or 50 years? Our breathe of life might be taken away right this instant! Now what's the meaning in life? Without Jesus, it is meaningless.

I don't care if you call me preachy or holy. I have already lost two friends, one my army buddy and the other my secondary school class mate. Life is seriously not in our hands and who are we to demand that we are in control to live tomorrow?

We have to seek God and have faith in Him. In Him, we who are weary and burdened can find rest.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Teacher's Day to Me!

Was greeted with a pleasant surprise today......My sun sch students gave me teacher's day prezzzies! sweet.

Some pictures of them below...

Just wanted to let you who gave me the presents know that I really do treasure the gifts.

For the other students, please PLEASE please do not be pressured into buying any gifts.
The greatest gift that you can give me is that you grow up into someone used greatly by God.

I enjoy teaching you guys, seeing you all grow both physically and spiritually..haha, till you graduate out of my class. =)

Oh rite, S.F. (Student Fellowship) also gave met this cool card yesterday!

Glory to God,

Friday, August 31, 2007


Just came back from a play, "If there are seasons." 天冷就回来。
It was good. George chan was the lead actor and boy can he sing well, and somemore in chinese. Effectively bilingual.

Brought back alot of memories from young when i heard those xinyao songs.

But of coz, the play couldn't beat ....The Bourne Ultimatum! brother acted..hahaha

i always wished that The Flight of the Conchords would come to Singapore to perform. Absolutely brillant! Best humour from anyone i have ever heard for a very long time. Incredible.

And thank God that more Korean hostages have been released!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Karlene Krista


A few happenings in my house this while, sis flew to the US to pursue her masters in music in manhattan, grandma getting much better, failed ippt, translated in prayer meeting, registered for cfa level 2, preparing to speak in sf, bought wedding bands...

I received a letter from my sponsored child from the Compassion foundation, a christian organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus's name. I replied her. Her name is Karlene Krista. Just wanted to share it here with all of you...Here it is...

Monday, August 06, 2007

STI fall

Posted an entry in my sch sun blog regarding STI index fall today.

Just had the urge to do that. Sincere heartfelt words.
On the secular side, if you ask me where is the STI heading, i believe that ask more and more companies realize that they have exposure to sub-prime mortgage loans, prices will continue to drop, more stringent acts will be in place, leading to more drops. Hence, look out for drops in the short term, but the fundamentals are realli good, especially for Singapore. En blocs, investments coming in, M & A happening etc. After the short term drop, buy on the correction and just leave it there for a year or two till it hits 4000 plus. And while leaving it there, remember, that "Man does not live on bread (or STI index) alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Btw, i passed my CFA I. =)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My Sister

11 th Nov Chopin

Canon in D with Guan Huai Fang Shi

Ju Hua Tai

Hei Se You Mo

Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord, for You preserved my grandma, though she had a mild stroke on Sunday night, you guided her through in recovery and she is now safetly back home, a mere 2/3 days in hospital.

Thank You Lord, for You one in which we can seek refuge, one that I can pray with Grandma to you, and you listen to prayers.

Thank You Lord, for You have sent your wonderful servants to pay Grandma a visit using Your Word to encourage and refresh our spirits.

Thank You Lord.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Grandma back home

Grandma has been discharged and is at home now. Thanks to all who have kept her in your prayers. Puff... had to shift everything downstairs out and everything upstairs down to renovate the downstairs room for Grandma to stay. Seriously sweat man, worse than back in combat engineers fixing bridges...haha.

Nowadays when come back from work have to do a ton of household chores. Quite tiring actually, after a whole's day work when u expect rest but its just the beginning of a whole family's load of household chores. Well, but as long as its for the family, I do not mind. ;) Only that poor mum has to do lotsa household chores too.

Recently had a chance to share the Gospel with three colleagues. The first is a colleague from another dept, who kinda outrightly rejected it. 2nd was my teammate, who was actively seeked a debate, asking about whether the resurrection realli happened, how do i know if the scriptures were true, etc... I tried my best to answer him. 3rd was the best case ..haha..went lunch with this colleague and we had the chance to share. She was very willing to hear the Gospel too! So thank God! I shared with her the truth of Jesus's salvation for mankind and some testimonies of bro/sis that have their lives aided by the Word. I pray that the Holy Spirit would personally touch her. Remember that our confidence should not be placed on our words to people alone, but the Holy Spirit should personally work in the hearts of them. Hence we should not be worried about whether if we are not eloquent of not but just boldy preach the truth to them, and let the Holy Spirit work in its own sovereign way. But of course, we should always be ready to give a defense of the faith that we have. I seriously recommend this book 'I'm glad you asked'. The questions I've been asking since I was young, like "Why God don't save everyone?" have been answered in the book. And sometimes the answers are, there is no answer, but can only rely on the sovereignty of God and that He is just, righteous, always good and always loving.

Wedding preparations are undergoing...have been selecting the designs for the church wedding invites. Also looked around for cheap air tickets and car rentals for our honey moon in.......hehe..dun tell u.

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Gospel of John

I am gonna finish teaching the Gospel of John in Sunday school soon. Its really a great book in which many christians truths are based upon.

There is a flim appropriately titled "The Gospel of John" which portrays the Gospel of John. The dialogue in the film is based very closely to the verses in the Gospel. It is definitely a good film to catch as it brings to life the verses, providing context and emotions in the dialogues which helps bring out the meaning in the verses to the viewer.

Below are the links which you can view the film in parts. I recommend that you obtain the DVD if you like the film or would like to watch it in its entirety. (Of course as well as to adhere to licensing issues ;)) //part1 //part2 //part3 //part4 //part5 //part6 //part7 //part8 //part9 //part10 //part11 //part12 //part13 //part14 //part15 //part16 //part17 //part18 //part19

Friday, June 22, 2007


Grandma had a fall which caused her thigh bone to break. As a result she was warded in TTSH.
It was a tuesday morning, when my mum hurriedly woke me up and told me that Grandma had a bad fall. I went downstairs and indeed, Grandma was sitting there in pain. We quickly sent her to TTSH.

Its been over a few days already and we just came back from visiting her. Her operation to insert a metal rod inside her leg was supposedly scheduled for June 26 but it had to go throught he anaestheician's approval. By God's grace my granddad sudden'y called this afternoon and said that grandma is being pushed to the operating theatre. I think the doctors must have deemed her suitable for the operation.

Praise and deeply give thanks to the Lord. The operation had finished and grandma is now resting back at her ward. I've just got back. Really thank the Lord that all went well. We were quite afraid at first because the doctor has warned us that the GA can possibly cause stroke or death if the patient's heart is week. Greatly give thanks to the Lord that He has tided my grandma over. Also, I can witness the peace within my grandma when I pray for her, she would close her eyes together with me as we pray and after that fall slient. I give thanks and pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to work within her. Amen.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Study Group

Hey calling out to students who may need help in sch work, can come down to Xian house on Saturdays 2pm to join in the study group.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

1 Week

Currently on my 1 week study leave for CFA exam this coming Sunday. Took the chance to help out at my church's book shop with their electronic scanning/inventory software. Some advertisements here ;), the book shop is called "Path Seekers". Its just beside Clarke Quay MRT and has plenty of christian books, cds resources etc. Do visit the place!

Along the way there, I met this guy at Clarke Quay MRT who asked for a dollar from me. Well I know many of us would have met such a situation with people asking us for money. But anyway, I gave him the dollar and also... a Gospel Pamplet! Asking him to believe in Jesus. I am reminded always to make use of every available opportunity to spread the Gospel as commanded by Jesus. Well I give such people the benefit of the doubt that they really need the money and since they are resorting to such means, I would think that they really need the money, but most importantly, they need the salvation from Jesus.

Also took the chance to visit my old friend Shawn. If you don't already know, Shawn was my army friend back many years ago. He met with an motor accident and was since paralysed from the waist down. He could be said as one of the closer friends that I had back in camp.

Played some computer games at his house, chatted awhile, then had lunch at a nearby coffeeshop. Its was just great spending this time with him, catching up, sharing with him what's going on in my life... but of coz I know that there's this emptiness within him that can only be supplied by the love of God.

Went back after lunch with him and before I left, I prayed with him and also left with him two evangelistic CDs. May the Holy Spirit work in his heart. It is not by our words, our might our strength but my the Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

View of my office

Hello, just wanted to share with you guys what my office look like.

My teddy bear given to me by one of my sun sch students. awww......;)
The front view of the building. The building with the Keppel sign being Ocean building. And if you look closely, you can actually see the DHL balloon.
Opps...forgot to rotate the picture.
And that's the construction site of the IRs. And you can also the construction of the dam that will convert Marina bay into a fresh water reservoir.
aaahhhh....the ferris wheel. Its like a straight line from this view. To the left of it is of coz Ritz Carlton and the new floating stadium for this year's National Day Parade. if you wanna have a good view of this year's NDP....

So there you have it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

MEDITATE upon God's word

Its been a year and a half working in CS. Many happenings over this period of time. One of the more prominent ones being, proposing to my gf, set a wedding date, did wedding preparations and looking forward to my wedding day. God's gift to me. ;)

CFA is coming up on June 3rd. Realli a lot of time spent studying for this damn exam. Dunno whether ultimately its worth doing not...but since I had an initial interest, though its dying ...haha and its kinda free and easy.

But of coz, teaching Sun sch comes first. Definitely before studying for CFA. The joy of teaching God's word is irreplacable. Preparing lesson, ploring over God's word, i now really understand Psalm 1: 2, That you delight in His word when you ponder it day and night. And really ponder. How often do we ponder about God's word during our personal devotion/quiet time?
Is it just a "I must finish the bible in a year" mentality or I have to fulfill my devotion requirement mindset? To really meditate, think deeply, reflect upon it, ponder how to apply it in your life, now that really makes a significance to how God's word affects you.

Before teaching Sun sch, i admit that I have not done such meditating before. Just touch and go. But the responsibility of teaching sun sch, the responsibility that I am responsible for the young 12 lives, I meditate over His word. Meditate how does God's word play an important in the lives of my students, meditate how does God's word wants me to live as a life example for my students to follow. That I live what I preach.

Dear readers, you might not be teaching sun sch or in fact might be quite far from God (Or you might, which I thank God). You might be just 'touch and go' on God's word. That's what I did before. But dear bros and sis in Christ, MEDITATE over his word. THink about it, think deeply, how it applies to you, how you could keep it in your heart and let it guide you in your decisions, coz that's what Jesus has promised through the Holy Spirit living inside us.MEDITATE.
It has certainly helped me alot and gave me a completely different view of life. An eagle's eye view. A view not of that people saying, go climb the Banking/Finance industry, go Front Office and make big bucks. A view not of do your Masters, CFA, etc... But a view that man need salvation for all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Couped at Ocean Building

Signz...still at work. Bloody Oracle 10g upgrade from 9i coz me to stay in office for 2 days. And I literally mean stay. First day staying till almost 6am, 2nd day which is now, its already 12 midnite and I estimate that I would have to stay for another 1.5 hrs, damn!

It is really these times that I hate I.T. Wasting time over all these meaningless issues. Haiz...though I ultimately know what I should achieve with my life. Attempt great things for God, do great things for God.

OK! Come friday, i definitely have to leave the office at 6-7 and faster prepare my heart for prayer meeting as chairman. Really have to buck up my prayer life. The moment you feel you are too busy to pray, or no time, that is the moment when you just got to pray! To communicate with God, the build up a relationship with him.

Btw, mum has called my tua ku and his whole family to come over Singapore for my wedding. I think this is actually the first time that my entire family will be at one location at a single moment in time. ;) I wonder what a scene it would create. Imagine it being so funny, seeing all my cousins, relatives... and of coz, to bear good testimony to God.

Wonder what marriage life would be like... My relationship now with Cat is always being so tied down by other things. And by other things, I don't mean work where we strive for individual interests but rather burdens in life that we have no choice but to help support the stronghold. Sometimes, its really lacking of good quality time spent together... But as long as true love holds, its transcendant across time and space.

Been into about 10 months in to working life. Learned alot, handling people, different cultures, coming up with ideas, making decisions when it counts... And indeed I thank God for the grace that He has shown me. People are good, appreciative, and just realli nice people.

You know, I am just blasting random thoughts now, reflecting on what has been happening in my life. I am always all out seeking for something to do, that I have not a second to spare, but its really quite nice to just lay back and just ponder over thoughts. Shiok... Cheers, Jason

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Art of Listening

1. Listen with an empty cup. Empty all your thoughts and listen with your full attention.
Resist thinking of the answer while listening to the question.

2. The question may come wrapped in all sorts of globber. So peel away the layers and identify the essence of the question. Till you see the Roman Column.

2.1 Side Track, search for roman columns which represents your focal point for a cluster of related ideas.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Ulitmate Code

Somehow verbally, I am quite afraid to speak my mind for fear of people's disapproval. But when it comes to what is most important in life, the question of "Where am I going after I die?", I have to boldly speak the truth. Well, if you guys know me, I am a computer science student and being one, I believe the below code plainly says it all...

Man man = new Man();

if (man.believe_in_Jesus)
if(there is a hell){
else{ is a big fat life. That's all.
if(there is a hell){ placed in Hell
// will not ever come here. There is a God, and there is Hell.

The above is just from a logical point of view. The logical point to believe in Jesus. Now beyond the logical view, is really what has caused Christianity to spread forth world wide. That God's word in the form of the bible has revealed to us that we are sinners but through Jesus's dying on the cross, our sins are cleansed if we believe in Him.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thank God for 2006

Hello Dear all,

Its been ages since I have last updated my blog. Hope to some updates here.
Thank God for 2006! A year of bountiful graces for me. Really have to thank God for guiding me through my undergraduate studies. Its been a tough but memorable 4 years for me, balancing between commitments, but hey I've made it, and so had many of my friends! Will always remember you all, SOC lab mates!

And what abundant grace I have, getting my job. And, things have gone pretty smooth sailing till now.

And of course, teaching sun. sch... Digging deep, pondering over the truths of the bible, sun sch has been really life changing for me. You really get alot out when you ponder over His Word. As what Psalm 1:1 says, 当喜爱耶和华的律法,这人便为有福.

And of course, to know that I am guiding 12 young lives at their teens, I have to put forth my all in teaching well. May God lead.

Hope to share some of my sun sch lessons with you all!

Well, believeing in God doesn't mean that all will go smooth sailing. I had abundant graces in 2006. There were also bad times that I choose not to mention here. And we don't the reason or will of God for those bad times. But like what God had told Job, his soverignity rules and His way is the best way. One thing for certain, I have learnt much more about myself and about God in times of difficulty than in times of well being. (I quote the guy doing the Genome Mapping thing. Btw, he's the head of the Human Genome project. He's a brillant scientist and a faithful christian. So, whoever said that Science and Christianity can't go hand in hand, go check him out.)

Will try to do regular updates! Cya all and God bless.